This is the closest you can come to having a park map, as well as having a front row seat for watching it turn into an old folks home.
The earliest photo we have is a grainy one from December 1989, but you can make out the main structures. Use your memory/imagination for the rest.
A pretty good photo as far as public satellite imagery goes, and again in December when the park is closed. This is 2002.
February 2004. Park has been closed for the winter for quite awhile and it shows.
The only satellite photo of the park in actual operation. By this time it was "Adventure Bay" and its days were numbered.
Closed down, full of algae, and frankly a little nasty.
Next thing you know, it's gone. What's amazing to me is how cleanly they leveled the place. The property now has a small water tank or something on the northeast side.
Blink again, and it's a retirement home for all your elderly. I think it's safe to say Fame City Waterworks isn't coming back.
We're always on the lookout for more information, photos, and promotional materials. If you have anything of interest, please contact us using the form below. Thanks!